
I’m Tallulah Tay, I seek to empower people to remove their blocks & limiting beliefs

Why I started Herefordshire Energy Healing

I have spent a good deal of my life feeling not good enough. There have been other mental health issues, physical problems and emotional difficulties along the way, but at my core, this is what I come back to time and time again.

I’m a work in progress.

I do believe that one day, I will overcome this limiting belief and rule my world confidently and capably.

I started HEH when I began to learn tools to aid me in my quest, ways that I could soothe my nervous system, repair my physical ailments and feel more resilient.

I saw progress in myself and wanted to support others in their journey too.

Three years later, HEH is growing steadily and I am working with more and more people, learning new tools and sharing them.

Let’s support each other, let’s learn and grow and fall and get back up again until we can do it more easily.